Sunday 9 January 2011

Inexplicable Edits on Sarah Palin's Facebook Page

Sarah Palin has a reputation for being an aggressive editor of comments on her Facebook page - a reputation that has always seemed likely accurate to me, given the tedious consistency with which all comments on the page are along the lines of "I love you SARAH!"

But in the wake of the terrible events in Arizona, with many commentators pointing out the obvious fact that Gabrielle Giffords had been targetted by Palin in the November election on a map that used a chilling gun site graphic, I thought it would be worth watching her page for a little while to see if her team were indeed deleting negative comments routinely. But I had no idea how incredibly, almost comically, efficient her people would turn out to be in deleting comments that were even slightly critical of the former Governor. And then I came across... well, what I guess you'd have to politely call an appalling example of editorial misjudgement at best.

Here's what I found, from a brief sample achieved by the simple expedient of hitting the refresh button repeatedly over a short period of time:

A negative comment saying, "YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE, YOU EVIL WITCH" - at 17:19PM. (I'm in London, so that's British Standard Time.)

 Removed by 17:21.
 Two negative comments, one suggesting that her publicity team must be working overtime to make her not look guilty and one from a British poster saying "Guns and nutters don't mix..."
 Removed by 17:26.
Comment saying, "I can't believe you don't have the leadership of intelligence to tell your people that putting crosshairs on people incites violence." 17:27

Was removed by 17:28 (although I failed to capture a screen grab - oops).

 A comment that simple says, "hypocrite" - presumably in reference to Palin at 17:28

 Gone by 17:29.
 Comment alleging "THEIR BLOOD IS ON YOUR HANDS" at 17:29.
Gone by 17:31.
Comment saying the commenter is glad her show was cancelled and saying, "I'm not blaming her but is it really a smart thing posting a map with gun sights of politicians with opposing views?" At 17:38.

 Gone by 17:39.
 Comment that refers to the text of Palin's post by saying, "Peace and Justice? That's a new concept for you isn't it?" at 17:48.
 Gone by 17:50.

OK. At this point, I am finding this all kind of... well, funny I suppose. I mean, the ruthless efficiency of the deleting and the desperation with which people would try to get their negative comments up there combined with the efficiency of their removal. There were actually a lot more examples than what I've been able to show here.

And in fairness to Sarah Palin, I should say that there were a couple of comments that were removed that weren't directly critical of the Governor but clearly offensive. Most notably, a commenter who repeatedly posted, "To bad it wasn't Pelosi." Yikes.

But then things got a little... well, upsetting.

A commenter posted the following at 18:12:

"It's ok. Christina Taylor Green was probably going to end up a left wing bleeding heart liberal anyway. Hey, as 'they' say, what would you do if you had the chance to kill Hitler as a kid? Exactly."

I think I literally gasped when I read that. Remember, Christina Taylor Green was the 9 year old girl killed by the shooter. Apparently she had been brought there by her mom, who thought she might get a kick out of meeting Rep. Giffords, having recently been elected to her student council.

I assumed, as a matter of course, that this particular comment would be deleted with greatest possible speed.

So I kept hitting refresh, hoping to use this as an example to say, "You see, Palin's Facebook editing at least has the good judgement to remove clearly offensive content such as this." But it didn't come down.

By this point I thought it was likely that the staff person monitoring the page was simply no longer working - I mean, fair enough it's a Sunday, right? So I thought I would just satisfy myself that the page was no longer being edited by continuing to look for negative comments, assuming that either they would all remain live for the time being, or if the editor came back to work, that they would be removed simultaneously with the Christina post.

So here's a comment posted at 18:16 saying, "I hope you're happy now. It's because of the influence that you do wield, that you should think about things you say and do."

Deleted  by 18:18.
 But the Christina post was still live.

So then I thought, well maybe the page editors just haven't seen it. We all make mistakes, perhaps it just slipped by them.

Then I spotted another commenter, rightly expressing her disgust at the post. "You are so out of touch... Show a little consideration and leave innocent out of your twisted diatribe."

Having been alerted to the post, does the editor NOW remove it? Nope, it's still there.

And I spot several other posts being removed. For instance, here's a post from 18:28 saying, "Your type of sorrow doesn't make up for the blood on your hands."

 Gone by 18:29.

 I found a few more instances, but I won't belabour the point. The Christina post was still live at 16:39 when I started writing this post.

I don't really know what to make of this. Sarah Palin has the right to edit her Facebook profile - it's not technically a public platform, it's a privately owned space. But the fact someone has a right to do something doesn't mean it is always a good idea, and I think that someone who aspires to public office has an especially strong responsibility to try and engage with the public at large - not just those who agree with them. But still... she's not currently in any form of elected office and she can do what she likes.

But I find her team's editorial judgement to say the least... odd.

UPDATE: Since this blog was posted, there has been a lot of media attention paid to it and a lot of online discussion. If anyone wants to discuss the article with me, the best way to reach me is on Twitter -!/karinjr

UPDATE II: Here's what happened when I conducted the same exercise to look at Barack Obama's facebook page: Totally Straightforward Edits on Barack Obama's Facebook Page


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Anonymous said...

i did the same thing hitting the print button before they could make it go away..go some good stuff too. Censorship is what she is best at.

cookiecrumb said...

Thank you for chronicling this. Now, how can we use it? Hmm.

Anonymous said...

I know the comment Christina Taylor Green was darkly satirical, in this context. It outlines the brutal and violent overtones of the movement which supporters are now attempting to distance themselves from.

Obama London said...

Anonymous - I think you're right about the original intention of the commenter. I think she was making a very darkly satirical point. But I'm mystified why Palin's team would not have removed it immediately.

Anonymous said...

I bet you didn't know this, but if you are a fan of hers on Facebook and you see a derogatory comment on the note that you don't like or agree with, you can click 'Flag' and it will be removed.

How do I know? I am one of her fans and did that on my own. I'm sure there were several other people that did that as well. So...awfully shameful of you to assume that it was someone from Palin's camp.

And about the 9 year old? Get your facts straight! She went with a neighbor - NOT her man.

Ignorant freak with too much time on your hands.

Anonymous said...

WTF does Sarah Palin have to do with a registered Democrat killing another democrat? If you have looked into anything about this kid you would find he wouldn't align himself with teabaggers. A lot of finger pointing going on!Its pathetic that you people are exploiting this situation.

Elijah Rising said...

At least she can't delete other people's blogs and sites....can she????

Obama London said...

Anonymous - thank you for telling me that others can delete posts too. You're right, I didn't know that - I'll check up on that fact.

Also, I don't think I stated anywhere on the post that the shooter was a Tea Partier. I don't believe he was.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous @ 23:20, you need to learn to get the facts straight before you write stupidity like you did.

Anonymous said...

The politics in the UK seem pretty tame by comparison. I'm surprised someone with such extreme views can progress so far. Here they are generally just ridiculed and ignored. Nick Griffin for example.

Anonymous said...

I hope this isn't an indication of what Palin means when she talks about directly speaking with the public outside of the media's "filter."

Anonymous said...

can you get this post to Rachel Maddow?

Max said...

This is a good article and shows her up comprehensively. If this is how her and/or her team handle Facebook comments and trolling then goodness knows what they'd do if someone said anything bad about her if she became President.

Rick Provost said...

So your assumption is that the moderator understood that Christina Taylor Green was the 9-year-old girl who was shot and killed... but deliberately continued to let that disgusting comment remain while "efficiently" removing negative comments about Palin (many of which were far more vitriolic than your examples would suggest).


It apparently wouldn't occur to you to give them the benefit of doubt. Why? Maybe because that might complicate the desired impression that "those people" are just morally inferior.

Anonymous said...

Some on the left really have greeted this shooting with a terrifying, smug glee.

Anonymous said...

In response to the commenter who said that fans can remove posts, fans can flag posts for removal, but only page administrators can actually remove them. Palin has staff devoted to maintaining her image and sweeping her Facebook page free of negative comments.

Anonymous said...

Facebook petition to get sarah plain off FB!/home.php?sk=group_120193748048867

Anonymous said...

As opposed to the gleeful celebration that took place on at the news of Gifford's shooting?

It's the "leftists" (translation: people with souls, it seems) who are asking for the violent rhetoric to be stopped.

Jim Jepps said...

This is an excellent post, well done. This whole horrifying affair marks a special moment in US politics - whether it helps people turn back from the rhetoric of the gun or deepens the polarisation to the extremes we will have to see.

Anonymous said...

i'm from england. i sincerely hope this palin lady gets nowhere near the whitehouse, the nuclear codes & the worldwide influence of the us presidency

there is a youtube clip of matt damon which i found very interesting (not sure how widespread it is in america)

Anonymous said...

Actually, it's kind of fun to go flag comments on Palin's Facebook page. They just disappear. Fantastic.

Satpalram said...

Anon 23:20

Missing the point, no? Whoever's getting rid of these posts - they don't feel the Christina post is worthy of deletion?

Even worse if it's more than one person leaving it up.

Max said...

On another point, it's bugging me that so many people on both sides of the political argument are posting anonymously. I find this a tad cowardly, really.

Anonymous said...

You can't delete a post by another on a page that is not YOURS. You can flag it so YOU don't see it on your page, and the page owner will decide from there.

Anonymous said...

I had a similar personal experience with Simple Sarah's FB page myself today. My post suggested that other readers should reflect upon Gabby's comments about Failin' Palin's "target" ad wherein she said that "such actions have consequences". I didn't editorialize on the quotation (although I certainly could have) but it was gone in less than 10 minutes and I was "unfriended" and could no longer post on Simple Sarah's page. This goes far beyond censoring unflattering posts -- it is a vain attempt to whitewash the truth and deny reality. Once again, Palin is playing the victim . . . but she doesn't get to spend three years blowing a dog whistle and yelling fire in a theater and then get to wash her hands of it when it goes bad. This damn well better put the final nail in her political aspirations.

Obama London said...

Max - I agree. I'm uncomfortable with Anonymous comments too, but thought it would be inappropriate to retroactively change my moderation policy. Usually I don't get that many comments. Actually, I usually don't get any. ;)

For the record, I will however delete any posts that are personally abusive towards me or anyone else. Kind of ironic having to work through my own moderation policies on the back of THIS post.

Shocked said...

Sarah Palin, god help us all if she ever becomes president. A stupid person with stupid employees. Stupidity and evil go hand in hand.

Loyal American for Palin said...

It's probably the case that the person censoring the blog didn't know the little girl's name. And why would they? It's not like a dead little girl is a political threat to someone like Sarah.

Anonymous said...

Rick Provost, anyone even casually following the Arizona shootings knows that Christina-Taylor Green was the 9 year old girl involved. Her name is being repeated on every news channel.

And even if the moderator was the one person following this story who went deaf each time the 9 year old (or her mother, or father, or family friends) were mentioned, the context is damning. It's clearly saying that one of the people killed in the shootings was better off dead, rather than growing up to be some sort of lefty Hitler.

The only possible explanation is that the moderators are so completely swamped that they're deferring decision on all non-Palin-naming posts. But your defense based on not knowing Green's name doesn't hold water.

Anonymous said...

This whole event is so tragic, as is the frantic scrambling to assign or deny blame in the aftermath.
But from the simple fact that politics has become so fucking divisive in the States, and gun ownership is seen as some kind of (almost literal) divine right, frankly I'm surprised this hasn't happened earlier.
Hopefully some good will come out of this somehow.

katz said...

Good observation. Palin has a long history of suppressing criticism whenever she can.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

I'm with those expressing surprise that a clearly backward-thinking extremist such as the monstrous Palin is not only listened to, but more worryingly respected and supported by such a vast number of people. Over here, she'd be kicked into the corner with the BNP and taken to pieces by Paxman.

I find it utterly terrifying and extremely disturbing that she wields any degree of power at all, let alone the massive influence she has. If America is too stupid to wake up to what bad news she is, you could argue they deserve her. If only it was only her own nation she would screw up.

Anonymous said...

Well, all I know is, the Americans are fucked. Going to Hell in a handcart and it would be in the interests of all the countries America is 'friends' with to leave it to drown in it's own shit and bile. Fuck America.

lauramonty said...

Here's a poem that was on her "notes" section... it is no longer there

Sarah Shame

Your shoot from the hips policy has claimed it's first victim!
Remove the blemish of your "bulls eye" rhetoric before it claims another life.
This is no longer a political game.
A judge is now dead.
A congress woman shot through the head.

Return sanity to America ...
if you truly talk from the heart.

And stop targeting people.

Case Biersteker

cath said...

If you flag a comment on Facebook it hides it from your feed only, If you report it as offensive Facebook will remove it if it falls into their category of offensive....this takes some time, several hours at least in my experience. The only person who can remove posts within minutes of their appearance is the person with rights to the page.
Hope this is helpful

Anonymous said...

re "anonymous posting" - it was quite refreshing to be able to have my post (matt damon youtube etc) go straight up without a long registration & moderation process.

that very process usually puts me off replying to much of the tripe churned out by the mainstream media

for the record, i am a 41 year old english male from london, have never voted & have no political axe to grind. hope that helps (max/others)

Anonymous said...

Obama London ... A few minutes ago I posted the facebook page for Tina King on this thread but it might be the wrong Tina King. Can you delete? thanks.

Unknown said...

Oh sweet dear anonymous - what a coward are you. Show your real name and maybe I'll give you some credability, but a cretin always hides himself as much as possible. Sarah is a menace to our democracy Period. And she does NOT engage the media - she MANAGES IT at her discretion. A coward - just like you.

Molly McCaffrey said...

I'm so glad you posted this. Thank you for letting us know what's really going on with Palin's Facebook account.

@Anonymous 23:20--no matter who flags negative comments on Palin's Facebook page, removing comments is still a way for Palin to mis-represent how she is perceived by the public.

Anonymous said...

I think the reason for this sudden spate of comments is that your post was linked to in Andrew Sullivan's blog, "The Daily Dish."

I am glad I found the link and your writing.

Have to post as anon, since I don't have a google account. Sorry.


Miriam said...

How I wish some sites I post on would allow links.

But, even proof won't change certain kinds of minds.

Terrence L. Rathbone said...

Comments ARE NOT deleted simply because you flag them - They are merely pointed out to site administration - although they may be removed from "YOUR" feedstream, they still exist - Get YOUR facts straight!

Kev Weldon said...

Anonymous who posted Tina King's Facebook page: are you sure that's the same Tina King? Tina Kings aren't exactly thin on the ground on FB and the one you link to has a completely different profile pic than the one attached to the original comment.

Anonymous said...

The scary thing is, most of Palin's fans probably don't realise how many people are posting comments that disagree with her.

Lila said...

Wow. I would have expected some cleaning up of the Facebook comments, but you are right - the failure to remove a highly insensitive and offensive remark about a dead child... a dead 9-year-old child... is so... abhorrent. And this, from a person (and her staff) who portrays herself as a right-to-life advocate. I guess the right to life does not apply to 9-year-old children.

I'm surprised that anything the Palinites could say or do could shock me any more, but that did.

Sam said...

@ "Loyal American for Palin"

Congratulations for accurately summarising a lot of what is wrong with Palin supporters. Your ignorance is staggering.

Why, indeed, would anyone on Palin's team know the name of the innocent child shot dead in a tragic shooting that's not only been extensively reported but also thrown your 'glorious' nation into yet another divisive political tail-chase?

- "It's not like a dead little girl is a political threat to someone like Sarah."

I don't even know where to start here. In what way was anyone implying that poor child was directly a political threat to 'someone like Sarah'?

Your precious Palin is perhaps her own biggest threat. Her 'target map' is in hindsight an act of such grim stupidity that perhaps if it continues to be discussed, debated and denounced as it has been, a few of her idiotic supporters might realise what - and I mean 'what', not 'who' - they've been putting their considerable weight behind.

And they might wake up, and then we might all have a hope in hell.

Leslie said...

Thought you might enjoy this article from Slate. At the time the article was written, 10% of the comments on Palin's Facebook page were being deleted as compared to 1% of the comments on Obama's page.

If you want your comment to stay online, send a tweet to @SarahPalinUSA (NOT @sarahpalin, who happens to be some gal with the misfortune of sharing the same name). She can't delete your tweet.

Anonymous said...

I wish I could say I'm shocked, but with Palin? Not really. This seems to be just par for the course for her.

Anonymous said...

From my experience, flagged comments are not immediately deleted, nor even deleted with 5 or 10 minutes.

Obama London said...

Anonymous wrote: "A few minutes ago I posted the facebook page for Tina King on this thread but it might be the wrong Tina King. Can you delete? thanks"

I have deleted it.

And I'd ask the rest of you to avoid posting personal details of ANYONE - this is not about attacking individuals. Please, and thank you.

Miriam said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dylan Reeve said...

The problem with the type of moderation policy that Sarah Palin (and others) utilise in places with user-contributed content is that they effectively appear to endorse any comments that do remain published.

If we assume that every comment is reviewed and the 'offensive' ones removed (which is what the evidence here and elsewhere suggests) then we'd have to assume that any comments that remain published for any length of time are therefore approved of by the moderators.

I've advised people against using this sort of very active post-publication filtering in the past for this very reason. Even if the post has just been missed in some way, the active moderation presents the impression that it's been okayed.

garcia said...

the comment was "darkly satirical", as noted. the reason it wasn't deleted is twofold.

1) the palin moderator is instructed to delete only comments which are critical of sarah palin. if they were supposed to delete every questionable comment they would have to delete every second comment.

2) the palin moderator was too dumb to realise the comment was in fact critical of sarah palin.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous who posted on 9 January 2011 at 23:20

for starters, flagging a comment on someone's facebook page will alert administration and you won't see it. it doesn't delete it from someone else's account.

also, i'm genuinely shocked at the casualness with which you treated that little girl's death. do you really think that whether it was her neighbour or her mother who took her is the important fact here?

the facts here are that the person who did this needs serious help and your precious palin was totally irresponsible in putting up that target list. she admitted it when she took it down off her website. too bad for her that printscreen exists.

Miriam said...


This is not an actual attack, but some observations...

"Some on the left really have greeted this shooting with a terrifying, smug glee."

Too afraid or too stupid to put your name on?

You are a complete idiot (OK, that may be an attack, but justified). I do not know anyone (and I know A LOT of people) who is enjoying this. This is a terrible tragedy. We weep along with the still-alive, families and friends.

"Doctors Guardedly Optimistic Over Gabrielle Giffords' Recovery"

News Break:

"President Obama has ordered a moment of silence tomorrow morning at 11 am for the victims of the Arizona shooting."

It does not matter where you are politically or religiously or anything. It's about the victims, the ...wounded and their families and friends.

Please set your alarms to take place in this and share the info with everyone.

Will you be joining with the rest of us, Mr/Ms Anonymous?

Terrifying and smug. I think not.

Anonymous said...

Just for the record, I tried flagging a comment on Palin's FB page. It didn't go away. So yes, her camp is editing the page.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said: "I bet you didn't know this, but if you are a fan of hers on Facebook and you see a derogatory comment on the note that you don't like or agree with, you can click 'Flag' and it will be removed."
Oh, so that explains why the post about Christina is still standing. Sarah's fans don't find it offensive that a nine-year old girl was slaughtered at a Democratic gathering. Got it.

Marvin Marks said...

This is mind bogglingly disgusting.

And no... other people cannot delete posts from her page - only those who have admin privileges can do so.

Yes you can flag comments so that you don't see them, but that's not what this is about.

It's flat out amazing to me that there are still people defending Sarah Palin. She is filth.

Anonymous said...

Wow. That is very interesting. Maybe they didn't delete that comment because they knew it to be true? Or that they didn't find it offensive? Or maybe the comitee is conspiring against her secretly...
All questions to be answered....

Anonymous said...

I thought they are supposed to "MAN- UP !".

phillip said...

dear sweet jilian

thanks for calling me a coward & a cretin...

my name is now up, just like your's, but how does anyone know if it's my real name, or that jilian is your's ? & a first name, what credIbility does that give, really

let's resort to name calling though, even though we are in total agreement on sarah palin

Rick Provost said...

"Rick Provost, anyone even casually following the Arizona shootings knows that Christina-Taylor Green was the 9 year old girl involved. Her name is being repeated on every news channel."

They certainly do NOW, Mr./Ms. Anonymous, but at the time the vile post was made, many people - including I - had only seen references to a "9-year-old girl."

But I recognize that it's important for you to grasp tightly to your narrow prejudices about people who hold opposing political views. It's much easier to demonize them... the "other," as it were... and therefore protect your own smug sense of moral superiority.

But why would I want to disrupt that and have you consider the possibility that people on the other side... are actually just people, like you?

Satpalram said...

I'd suggest closing the comments section - it may be beginning to descend...

Helen said...

Palin's long list of Facebook scrubbers (both kinds)

Anonymous said...

Sarah Palin is the devil and this doesn't even surprise me a bit. It's terrifying that SO many people follow her in her complete madness.

Anonymous said...

Unbelievable. A comment along the lines of "I have nothing against Palin and don't blame her, but can't believe some people are blaming Obama for the shooting" just got removed in about 20 seconds. They really can't handle polite disagreement. Shameful.

Rowdy said...

Sarah Palin reminds me of a cold, evil, predatory twit! She will go away if the media would stop following her. She'll dig her own hole, fall into it and be gone for quite some time. Look what happened to Anita Bryant.

Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter whether or not Palin intended for this to happen. It doesn't matter that this kid is a nut job.

The problem, is that Sarah paints herself as a gun totin' sport shootin' NRA Mama Bear who likes to kill animals for fun and has foolishly called for the assassination of at least one individual...and she put out violent propaganda with a list of names in gun sights clearly including the person who was shot.

The even bigger problem, is that the kid didn't die. Conjecture that hey...we'll NEVER know WHY he did this is now moot.

He lives, he will be defended in court. This will be a huge case. He is going to get a big fat Twinkie with Sarah Palin filling.

19 victims total equals a lot of lawsuits filed against the instigator of this mess. Wrongful death suits are on their way. Who do you think the finger is going to be pointed at? Not the kid who's going to spend the rest of his life in a nice room in the psych ward.

The person who foolishly put herself square in the middle of this mess by using poor judgement and a gun ho attitude.

I am hoping this is the final nail in Palin's coffin.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, the rhetoric from the right-wing is not likely to cool for long, any more than it did after past assassinations of progressive leaders. Hate-filled Neo-Nazi rhetoric always threatens to push the unhinged fringe over the edge, and many of them are tottering there, just as this shooter was. The use of cross-hair images, which are used in gun sights, and the quote urging her followers to "reload" just fuels their sick minds, and shows the extreme lack of judgement, fair play, and human compassion. These people are dangerous.

trigmund freud said...

In late November 2010, Palingates: the Sarah Palin Watchdog Team identified both the 14 administrators responsible for censoring comments on Palin's facebook wall and chronicled the very loose criteria they employ for said task. Needless to say, their methods are as maddening as their leader's rhetoric.

julito77 said...

The idea of deleting comments from social media posts, unless they are really offensive (and can be reported to FB as abuse), is something that should not be done for a couple of reasons in my opinion

1. It really then isn't an open forum.
2. It creates an commenting environment where it is too one-sided.

Bloggers, celebs, politicians, or anyone who posts content on the Internet can't have it both ways: if you open yourself up, then you can be criticized. Deleting or editing comments is not cool from the social media perspective, so good for you for following this and sharing it. Whatever the politics,it does speak to the whole issue of user-generated comments. If you delete it, does it mean it was never shared? As you point out, it was shared.

Unless Palin's site says we reserve the right to delete any comments on this page, then it's not cool.

julito77 said...

And, if you ate going to comment here, add your name. Proper protocol for leaving comments.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this. I'm not going to go off about this, but thank you for posting this to get the truth out there. Her followers tend to be somewhat fanatical and unable to see that anyone does or would want to disagree with her.

I hope as a country we can change these hateful and violent acts that are senseless and I hope Palin finally learns a lesson that while she can call it rhetoric, her extremist followers take them as marching orders.

Betty Ferguson said...

I posted the following comment:

"Why is even polite disagreement deleted after a few seconds? Does Sarah Palin not stand for free speech?"

It was deleted within a minute. I then posted:

"Why is even polite disagreement deleted after a few seconds? Does Sarah Palin not stand for free speech?

(Is this comment so offensive it needs to be deleted?)"

It was deleted within a minute and have apparently been blocked from posting on the page. This is insanity. said...

As of earlier today, US time, you could still search and come up with a "notes" on Palin's FB page that contains her "take back the 20" map, complete with crosshairs and her letter, urging her followers (acolytes? disciples? minions?) to "fire the first salvo" in the November elections. Wouldn't you think one of her minions would've taken this down, too? Here's the link:

sturgeone said...

that was great.....thanks, the woman is a loon.

julito77 said...

One more thing. Looking at the FB site, not all comments that are critical are being deleted.

Anonymous said...

“Censorship is what she is best at”

“Stupidity and evil go hand in hand”

“Palin has a long history of suppressing criticism whenever she can”

“a clearly backward-thinking extremist such as the monstrous Palin”

“Fuck America”

“I guess the right to life does not apply to 9-year-old children”

“Sarah Palin is the devil”

“Sarah Palin reminds me of a cold, evil, predatory twit!”

“Hate-filled Neo-Nazi rhetoric always threatens to push the unhinged fringe over the edge”

Yes, those fact-seeking, fair-minded liberals...

Rockymountain Bearfucker said...

The people who are more concerned with people leaving a name than the content of their comments are idiots.

Sarah Palin is a yokel. Only yokels take her seriously.

A little girl is dead and people are arguing about left vs right. I'm sure that little girl would be pleased she's become leverage in a losing fight for both sides.

Get a grip you paraquots.

Anonymous said...

while i agree with the message of this blog post, it is essentially "preaching to the choir". i doubt any palin-ites will be deterred by this. this is just another grain in the sinking sand bag that is extremely-polarized america

Scott Mercer said...

Smug Liberal glee, here.

Yes, I am more than willing to blame Palin, and Beck, and Limbaugh, and Hannity, for having at least SOMETHING to do with this result. But them putting 100% of the blame on this clearly mentally deranged person who shot and killed multiple people is typical of the Conservative mindset. (And categorizing him as a Liberal secondary to the favorite books listed on You Tube page.)

No, wrong. We do live in a society where people effect each other. Things like this are bound to happen when the fires of political looneys (or just plain...or Palin...looneys are stoked). Actions have consequences. Maybe not enough condsquences to throw anyone in jail other than Mr. Loughner, but consequences nonetheless.

Maybe you should think about that the next time you use gun sight graphics to target your political opponents.

Anonymous said...

Rick Provost,

As I pointed out in my original post, even WITHOUT knowing the name of the 9-year old, this is beyond the pale:

"It's ok. Christina Taylor Green was probably going to end up a left wing bleeding heart liberal anyway. Hey, as 'they' say, what would you do if you had the chance to kill Hitler as a kid? Exactly."

In the context of a mass shooting, I think we can all agree that knowing that Green was the 9-year old isn't the key to deleting a comment about how it's better that one of the victims died rather than ending up some sort of hypothetical lefty Hitler? If you disagree with this baseline, I'd be... alarmed.

The rest of your post is setting up a false us/them construct so you can blather on about prejudice, which is just bizarre considering my post has no political bent other than thinking that postings advocating killing people you think are potential Hitlers are inappropriate. I'm thinking about the moderation parameters, not the political framework you're pushing.


honestyingov said...

Thank you for your observations and getting the word out.MSM has had this 'love affair ' with palin and they continue to use her to create stories in the headlines.( and I don't mean just FOX ) They are guilty and complicit for participating in this phony charade of her's and not calling her out.They poo pooed it and said it was just words-Free speech. This weekends murders PROVE that words have consequences.She has been fanning the flames of this fire for more than 2 years now.

I would hope that you might join in the online conversations at the Palingates blog.Those of us there would enjoy your ideas and opinions. It's a community of thoughts. You will feel right at home.
The current post up has some great info on the Tucson tragedy.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who followed this Palin gypsy-pack of a family knows she's an idiot and corrupt, like having contractors building her lakeview home using materials from the hockey rink contract, or whatever it was. She also put in law they didn't have to get building permits or something, so as not to reveal the identity of the workers. This nut-job opportunist shows America has stooped to the lowest level ever. Yea, "evil & stupidity..." describes her.

Anonymous said...

Sarah Palin's political career is now over.

Friend said...

Tina King does not mean any harm with that comment. She meant it as a joke but she admits it is a VERY horrible joke.
People are putting her information about her on the Internet, I ask people to cease this.

Anonymous said...

Maddow for sure, man. Drop her a note. And thanks for putting this out there in its current form.

Betty Ferguson said...

Apoliogies if I double post, but my comment seems to have disappeared.

I posted this (almost exactly, I lost the copy/paste I had): "Why does even polite disagreement get deleted? Does Sarah Palin not stand for free speech?" It was deleted within a minute.

I then posted it again, adding "Is this comment so offensive it should be deleted?" - it was deleted and I was banned.

This is blatant censorship.

Lidia17 said...

This is the least of it.

Anyone interested in following Palin's shenanigans and getting up to speed on her past illegal and immoral activities should visit

Jason - FORMER Republican said...

For someone so outspokenly against anything resembling Communism (like, God forbid, basic health care for people who can't afford it), Palin sure is censoring a lot!

Palin's actions and words make her seem like a very violent person. It would be scary to have her in any position of power.

Anonymous said...

Wow -- you have nothing better to do than monitor Facebook pages? It's common practice for webmasters to edit out negative comments. But I understand. Some how, some way, the shooting in AZ HAS to be Sarah's fault. Don't forget to use the quote "Don't retreat, reload" to drive your point home, 'k? Doesn't matter that she was talking about bear at the time. You'll still look as ridiculous as every one else.

Kija said...

If Palin had the temperment to be a president she would not be so thin-skinned that she needs full-time face book cleaning. She also would talk to the media, not just FOX (not a legitimate media outlet) and facebook and twitter. She is too thin-skinned and cowardly to be president because she lacks the courage to listen to the public or talk to the press.

Anonymous said...

I am a lefty. However the same way I don't believe video games turn people into murderers I don't think Sarah plain is responsible for this shooting. However it may make her think twice about how she goes about representing her views.

Ens in communi said...

Sic Semper Tyrannis - I suppose many on this site (and elsewhere) would blame Brutus for the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln. We live in a ruthlessly ignorant time.

Some comments suggest Palin is guilty of something, while others seem to think her efforts are shameful or censorship?! Are people really under some misapprehension that deleting crass/ignorant remarks in the wake of a tragedy is without merit?

The young man was obviously mentally ill. Most importantly, the overwhelming majority of Americans do not see this tragedy as an opportunity for partisanship - disgraceful. Your catalog of print-screens is nothing more than evidence of this inhumanity, stupidity, and simple-mindedness that rules the internet political sphere.

Any rational human being would surmise that a young man with a history of mental illness, criminality, adherence to mind control or other assorted gibberish, is capable of great violence without cause - His YouTube channel listed 1984 as one of his favorite books, are we going to blame Orwell for his want of dystopia?

I don't care if you hate and despise Palin that is your right - it is weak to hate but it's your right. Also, I am certainly not trying to disparage you from your blogging, but the main problem with the internet is it pushes sensibility to the utmost periphery of the mind where it operates the weakest. Very sad.

Vailant said...

Someone up thread wrote:

"It's probably the case that the person censoring the blog didn't know the little girl's name"

But that would mean Sarah willfully has left her site in the hands of uninformed amateurs. Because clearly, if you are serious about the US presidency you wouldn't let such a sinister post hang around. Your staff would be informed, well-read, sharp, ready for prime time. And the post would be gone...

At least my staff would have it cut out ASAP...
Wouldn't yours?
I mean really, this ain't Alaska anymore Dorothy....

kenalexruss said...

I am not an FB fan by any means, but I have noticed that someone, anyone, can start an anti-Palin page, etc. Perhaps this might be the vent of the world's outrage at this pig from Hell's latrines...

Anonymous said...

It's funny how all the hate rhetoric really comes from the left.

You libs bitch about the "hate" messages from the right and in the next sentence, you are doing just the same.

HYPOCRITES. Never mind that bullseye maps have been done by the opposite side. You only see what you want to see.

Anonymous said...

Its super creepy seeing Sarah Palin's show on TV when she just got all those people killed.

Spellbound said...

19 victims total equals a lot of lawsuits filed against the instigator of this mess. Wrongful death suits are on their way. Who do you think the finger is going to be pointed at? Not the kid who's going to spend the rest of his life in a nice room in the psych ward.

Just curious of why you think this is even a possibility. Although in extremely bad taste, Palin cannot be held legally responsible for someone that flips out and starts shooting people. I don't think you fully understand what your saying. In the US it would not be possible over a map with some targets and some loose public rhetoric.
Besides Palin isn't the only one to use targets on their maps. The Democrats do it too.

By the way before you target me as a Palinette, I can't stand the woman. Don't have much use for anyone in politics or anyone supporting either party or any other extreme misfit, they are all rather disgusting to take. Never mind that they are all misinformed.

Betty Ferguson said...

@Ens in communi If you look at the page in question for just a few minutes, you will see comments disappear before your eyes. Some of them are crass, offensive, ignorant etc. Some of them have "profanity"; I can understand them deleting that. There are also many, many comments being deleted that are none of the above, that are merely politely questioning Palin, or her "fans", or disagreeing with other comments on the page. There are even comments being deleted that SUPPORT Palin, but try to introduce a bit of calm, intelligent balance. I do not hate or despise Palin. I despise hypocracy, wherever it comes from.

@Anonymous "It's funny how all the hate rhetoric really comes from the left. " - nonsense. It's very clear on this page, Palin's facebook page, twitter, and all over the internet that hatred is being spewed from both sides. Luckily there are pages like this that allow commentary from all sides. Bear in mind that not all of us self-identify as "left" or "right" either.

Patrick said...

thank you Obama London for reading Sarah's FB page so I don't have to! If Sarah Palin ever really had serious ambitions for the highest office in the land, my guess is they are now well and truly toast. Time for plan B: making a ton of cash out of her deluded, under-educated fans.

Anonymous said...

Does George Bush still hate black people? Haven't talked to Kanye in a while. How did Bush escape being blamed for all of this? Not enough time passed, I guess. Continue the frenzy.

Anonymous said...

Wow, the rightwing torlltards are starting to come out for this one as they act like victims and constantly blame the left.

Anonymous said...

"For the record, I will however delete any posts that are personally abusive towards me or anyone else."

Anyone except Sarah Palin, clearly. Abusing someone you think is responsible for this horrible tragedy is ok? (and it is mind boggling that she is literally being blamed for it. Mind boggling.) It's alright for YOU to delete abusive comments but not for her to do the same?

Anonymous said...

No joke! They sound just like....well,....dems.

Anonymous said...
Wow, the rightwing torlltards are starting to come out for this one as they act like victims and constantly blame the left.

sharl said...

Anonymous @01:44 (10Jan):

Don't forget to use the quote "Don't retreat, reload" to drive your point home, 'k? Doesn't matter that she was talking about bear at the time.


rewinn said...

The original post is quite helpful, since it is fact-laden. The conclusions one can draw from the facts may differ, but it's hard to argue with cold, hard screenshots.

I can't be impressed with the argument that Palin and her ilk bear no responsibilty for a (very likely) mentally ill person exercising his "2nd Amendment remedy". Whether under our law that respnsiblity graduates to legally actionable something-or-other I don't know, but morally she's like the guy who cried "fire" in a crowded theater. In Palin's America, crazy people have free access to guns and hear her urging action, so what did she think was going to happen?

Anonymous said...

Dear Sarah,

I grew up in Arizona and this is not the Arizona I know. Actually this is not the country I know. You are the poster child for what is wrong.

Ignorant, stupid, no intellectual curiosity, slow, knee-jerk.

But Sarah, remember this karma is a bitch (and I know you'll recognize it).

What goes around, comes around.

Not to go Biblical on you, but as you sow, so you reap.

If you sow the wind, expect to reap the whirlwind.

Arizona Girl

Vailant said...

Somebody wrote:

"How did Bush escape being blamed for all of this? Not enough time passed, I guess. Continue the frenzy."

Well actually no is blaming Bush. Or Clinton's penis even. Or for that matter, no one responsible is really blaming Palin for actually pulling the trigger here....

But what is being questioned is her judgement, and indeed often gleeful use of "loaded" images and language with violent undertones...

Most people want to see that addressed.
And she has. She has scrubbed her site of the picture with the crosshairs. That's a good start...

sharl said...

If you defend inflammatory rhetoric w/ "only a psycho would take it literally" DON'T BE SHOCKED & APPALLED WHEN A PSYCHO TAKES IT LITERALLY.

Anonymous said...

I rest my case.

Anonymous said...

Dear Sarah,

I grew up in Arizona and this is not the Arizona I know. Actually this is not the country I know. You are the poster child for what is wrong.

Ignorant, stupid, no intellectual curiosity, slow, knee-jerk.

But Sarah, remember this karma is a bitch (and I know you'll recognize it).

What goes around, comes around.

Not to go Biblical on you, but as you sow, so you reap.

If you sow the wind, expect to reap the whirlwind.

Arizona Girl

asha said...

Wow. Fantastic catch. Thanks for the good sleuthing.

The fact fact that the site retains the diabolical comments about the child indicates that Sarah Palin is something far worse than the merely vain, stupid, irresponsible golddigger she appears to be.

Anonymous said...

Can't speak to whomever is considered "responsible," but sure seems like a lot grenades are being tossed by unresponsible folks, huh? And for the record, I do think Clinton's penis shares some blame.

You said:
"Or for that matter, no one responsible is really blaming Palin for actually pulling the trigger here....

Anonymous said...

the better story is how the website at is getting away with selling cards about down syndrome and rape on the internet

how can we let this stand??? my mom died of breast cancer

Unknown said...

This woman is a PR creation. What do you expect of her people?

Kristijan said...

I would start comment with David Bowie song "I'm Afraid of Americans". Why? They have World in their hands, economies of the other countries, world's energy and unmatched military power. While they keep most of us around the Globe, more or less, under the tight leash, anything that could possibly go badly wrong inside the USA would easily be cause for a domino effect and global cataclysm (just as economic in last few years)...
And, TLC "star" Sarah is only what's left after Donald Rumsfeld's school that had been running our Planet for first 8 years in 21 century so there is nothing strange in her behavior. Sadly her behavior is also reflection of today's "democracy", after Republicans in US, and freedom that more and more looks like something we, from ex communist countries, have grow up in and fought against on the wings of "democracy".

Anonymous said...

As to the idea of whether or not the shooter was a supported of the Tea Party

The confusing part would be the date it's posted... the day of the shooting?

Not really clear on that - it has a link at the bottom which takes you to earlier posted rants by Jared that are definitely his.. but what I don't understand is if someone at that page just posted this video the day of the shooting - then linked it to Jared's "above top secret" page --

The connection isn't clear to me.. and the page itself doesn't make it clear.

If the video really was posted by jared - either then or posted at an earlier date and reposted here - then he clearly is a Tea Party supported..

But as I said.. the date is suspicious and confusing

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting these. I never go to that disgusting woman's fb or her twitter cause if you don't agree with hate they threaten and berate you. The half term quitter governor now has the distinction of inciting murder. What is sad I am more than sure she is enjoying this. Murder of innocent people, dead children is what her and her ilk wanted to see. So embarrassing to witness what the white race have evolved to.

I will stick with President Barack Obama. The man has immense honor and class. America could not have dreamed of a better leader or statesman.

Anonymous said...

This kind of crap is allowed to remain for the same reason people are allowed to blame a faux politico for a shooting at a grocery store. It's America, dear. The word around town is that is what makes it great. Hard to see it on this site. Goodnight. Stay warm. Stay healthy.

10 January 2011 02:37
Anonymous said...
the better story is how the website at is getting away with selling cards about down syndrome and rape on the internet


Unknown said...

I went to Palin's site as well and didn't see all the negative comments I was expecting. This explains why.

What did amaze me was the umbrage so many of the Palin supports expressed at "liberals" posting on her FB page. I'd like to point them to Nancy Pelosi's FB page. I've never seen such vitriol in my life. I'd say the negative comments on Pelosi's site are 3:1 to the supportive ones. I made a comment one time on her site and a wacko old man started emailing me directly. People are really unhinged, and they are being egged on by numerous voices on the right.

Anonymous said...

Somebody should post this picture on Palin's page:

Give her a taste of her own medicine.

Anonymous said...

"For the record, I will however delete any posts that are personally abusive towards me or anyone else."

I am surprised and disappointed that you deleted my comment. It was not intended as an attack, although you deleting it proves my point. Clearly, it's acceptable for YOU to delete anything that disagrees with or criticizes YOU but it's not ok for Sarah Palin to do the same thing. I'm sorry you find this offensive enough to delete the comment. I'm confident that this one will suffer the same fate. Shame on you.

otto katz said...

So, we keep the scrubbers busy.
Flag every comment. Every one that says We love you Sarah!
Waste their time. Make them work for their blood money.

PirateWench said...

The "RELOAD" comment by Palin was a tweet and the full tweet was this "Commonsense Conservatives & Lovers of America: "Don't Retreat, Instead - RELOAD!" Pls see my Facebook page."

That is her tweet verbatim (do you know what that means Mr. I'm So Cool I Use Latin? It is exactly what she typed in twitter - NOWHERE does it say a damn thing about BEARS or BEAR HUNTING. Clearly - you can't see the forest through the trees, and are one of her koolaid drinking lapdogs.

God Bless America - we surely do need it.

Anonymous said...

Just flagged about 1000 comments from the story that supported palin... fucking idiots, you wanna be a censor, well two can play at that game motherfuckers.

Ed said...

As any white, christian, AMERICAN conservative will tell you, the first amendment only counts when it's something you agree with. In the conservative eye, If someone has a sign saying "death to all blacks" on it, that's a-okay, but if it says "Maybe giving guns to the mentally unstable is a bad idea" it's an offence equivalent to murder.

Head Geek Chick said...

My comments were almost instantly gone!
She must have quite the round the clock team working on it.

By the way, if you support Clarence Dupnik's sentiments here is his support page.

Unknown said...

We're pretty focused on Sarah Palin right now, but for me the bigger fault is with John McCain. It was completely irresponsible and reckless to propel this woman to the national political stage.

majii said...

I've noticed the tendency of those who are guilty of doing, or supporting, evil are the first to want to place the blame for their own actions on others, and they are the first to speak of accepting "personal responsibility" for one's actions. The strangest thing about these kinds of people is that they often call themselves Christians. According to what my Bible says, Jesus wouldn't know them. In the Book of John, the Sadduccees and Pharisees try to convince Jesus that he and they worship the same god. Jesus told them that his God and their god weren't the same because their god was the Devil, meaning that although they claimed to worship the one true God, their words/actions didn't show it.

carl said...

Can anyone say whether or not it's still up?

26E4U2 said...

I am actually part of a facebook page called "I got kicked off Sarah Palin's Facebook page" and another "Things you can't say on Sarah Palin's page". You can't say anything besides how much "you love her" or you will get kicked off. Even if you say something opposing in the most respectful manner. You post is prompty deleted and you are blocked from making further posts. Ironically enough you are still a "fan" of the page skewing her million plus amount of fans. I still watch the page and its comical how you can tell when her administrators are on vacation or holiday b/c the negatives posts can be there as long as a few hours before being deleted where most of the time they are gone within minutes if not seconds. I am glad someone finally did this. You MUST get this to Jon Stewart or someone to make fun of! I think its so funny how she is so PRO 2nd AMENDMENT but doesn't practice it on her page.

Obama London said...

Anonymous at 2:53 I didn't delete your post. I was in bed. Not sleeping, though sadly. The only comment I've deleted so far is the one I was asked to remove. But I might take some down in the morning when I've had a chance to read them.

Anonymous said...

For all those thinking that it's "creepy" or whatever about posting anonymously, I contribute to a blog that's been in existence for over 10 years. As I live in a small town, I was sued- via three textbook-case SLAPP suits- not to shut me up, but, as one of the most vocal in the community, to discourage anyone else even THINKING of speaking out. It is not fun being sued, but it's even less fun being used as a weapon against free speech while trying to uphold that very idea. Now I use proxy sites AND anonymous names. Take it from someone who's been at this a lot longer than most, pay attention to the content, not the poster!

Anonymous said...

Let's pause for a moment and maybe learn from history. Palin isn't unique, at all, more akin to a useful ijit. Oh and the media should be ashamed (but of course they are not)

Tyler, Texas
November 24, 1963
President Lyndon B Johnson
The White House
Washington D.C.
Dear Mr. President:

In this time of mourning and appreciating how very busy you are, I still must write about existing conditions here in East Texas, even if you are too busy to read this, because I feel it is my duty to do so. I wanted to write President Kennedy's staff and try to get them to persuade him not to go to Dallas but unfortunately didn't do it for fear of being that crank or busy–body. This time I will risk that appellation. I am frightened at conditions that prevail in East Texas.

Anonymous said...


Mr. President, the easy thing and what is desperately trying to be done [is] to convince a stunned nation and world that Mr. Kennedy's murder was the work of some deranged crackpot, and while the trigger was pulled by such a one, perhaps the atmosphere that made it inevitable was the hatred of the people (I don't mean every one of them but a big majority) who wanted Mr. Kennedy and any one connected with him out of the White House. A week ago this might have sounded ridiculous but subsequent events lend it credence, I believe. There is a virus of disrespect and hate spreading here very rapidly. And unless one lives right here with it, day in and day out, it is unbelievable how quickly and subtly it infects reasonably intelligent persons. This is not too hard to understand only if one recognizes the unremitting, deep, bitter religious and racial prejudice existing today in this section of our land — I don’t know if any of them are similarly infected in other sections, but I know personally of what I speak as regards East Texas. In fact, although nearly every one indignantly denies having any racial or religious prejudice to the point where he deceives even himself in this matter, after listening seriously to protestations of horror and shock one can almost hear a collective sigh in essence, "Too bad he had to die but after all a Catholic is no longer in the White House and this ought to set the 'niggers' back on their heels for awhile!" It is painful to some of us I know to give credence to such a condition so we blind ourselves and blame a mentally confused person — forgetting in our desire to remove the blame from ourselves that where religious and racial prejudice prevails, not just the killer but all are mentally confused. When this prejudice is played upon adroitly and exploited actively (as in our locality) by such groups as The American Fact-Finding Committee and many more [of] that ilk, for instance the John Birchers, etc., it soon fans into a situation as exists here, many, many citizens ridden by a vicious hate which inevitably erupts and expresses itself in violence — as in the case of Mr. Kennedy's murder in Dallas.

Read more:

Anonymous said...

A strong evidence of this was the recent demonstration of violence against Ambassador Stevenson in Dallas, and even more clearly by an article carried in the Dallas News (a 100% anti-Kennedy sheet) stating that Mr. Bruce Alger [then-congressman from Dallas, and the only Republican in the Texas delegation] advised the citizens of Dallas there was absolutely no need to feel apologetic about this incident — everyone being free to express his opinion. He neglected to specify the degree of violence of such expression. And the citizens vote for Bruce Alger! So what can one expect? I just heard the flash about Oswald being shot and also the theory that is was caused by mass hysteria. That is here, all night, but I think rather there are certain groups and individuals who wish to insure Oswald's complete and continuing silence because, knowing the 'temper' of Dallas, I can’t believe a known police character of Ruby's caliber would risk his neck through any feeling of patriotism or love for Mr. Kennedy — can you?

Read more:

Anonymous said...

I am Tina King.I want to apologize for what was apparently an ill fated attempt at satire. I posted a comment that was meant to been seen as a brutal commentary on the violent rhetoric that has become a staple of the political discourse is this country. It was in no way intended to be taken seriously and in the context of my other posts that fact is clearly seen. I feel horrible that a child, or anyone, had to die in this senseless act of violence. My heart goes out to Christina Taylor Green's parents as I cannot fathom the horror of losing a child, no less in such a terrible and tragic way. Although I believe this event was not directly related to the state of political discourse at this time, but rather the act of an individual who's mental well-being is questionable, I also feel this tragic event must bear as warning that toying with the idea of violence as a resolution tactic is a dangerous one. I apologize wholeheartedly for anyone I have offended and hope that this unfathomable tragedy may bring those in contention to some sort of understanding. I do not believe in violence and I do not think politicians should be given free reign to suggest their constituency has the right to threaten others. context:
Obamalondon, if you need verification of who I am please let me know how to contact you.

Anonymous said...

I don’t know if anything can be done about the festering sore of prejudice and hatred on our social structure here, but I doubt if you can know its deadliness unless you are in constant, daily touch, and I thought it my duty to mention it, in that case, even though you may consider I am an alarmist and am exaggerating. I only wish I were.


Charlotte Essman

Read more:
pstd by fluffy ohio

Anonymous said...

just a FYI, the internet does not guarantee your right to free speech.

Anonymous said...

This post is so deliciously ironic! Live by the facebook - die by the facebook! Palin is in WAY over her head - always has been. Obama London - thank you for your time doing this.

Anonymous said...

This may help about Palin's facebook page -

Anonymous said...

I'm going to get flack for this, and, I know everyone is going to call me this or that no matter how many times I say how little I care about Palin, but, I'll say it because it needs saying.

There was one person who shot and injured those people, and it wasn't Sarah Palin.

It's called a coincidence. Political mudslinging happens all the time, it's just this time it happened before a really horrible tragedy that nobody had any control over. It's terrible. It's awful.

But I don't think anybody had anything to do with it other than the shooter. My condolences go out to the families. The shooter should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. But he's the one responsible and finger pointing at everybody else isn't going to change what he did, consciously aware of his actions (and I believe he was) and it's not bringing anyone back.

Let's take the pants off our heads, people. This wasn't a political conspiracy. This was a tragedy. It was deliberate homicide committed by one man.

Unknown said...

Sarah Palin has the right to delete any comment on her facebook pages as she see fit. Our policy on is to allow all posts to stand unless they contain inappropriate language for all audiences.

One may attack the article, premises and conclusions but we don't allow attacks on individual writers or commentary

Mark E. Smith said...

wmerydith, McCain showed as much sense in having Sarah Palin for a running mate as Al Gore did in having Joe Lieberman for a running mate.

Actually, the candidates don't choose their running mates. The corporations select the candidates by donating money, and since the political parties need those big corporate donors, they nominate, using superdelegates if necessary to override the popular vote in the primaries when necessary, the candidates who can bring in the most corporate money.

Sarah Palin has a good chance of being the next President. She has name recognition, a large following, and the big money that owns the mainstream media and selects the candidates will fund her.

We're long overdue for a female president, and she'll do whatever the corporations tell her to do, just like Clinton, Bush, and Obama.

Unfortunately, what the big corporations want to do is destroy the planet and every living thing on it for short term profits. And they're succeeding.

While this was a great post and an excellent catch, I fail to see why anyone is surprised that Palin engages in censorship. Censorship online is the digital equivalent of silencing people with bullets.

While sirect personal attacks should never be allowed, criticism of political leaders was the reason for Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press. It's sort of a contract: we're free to criticize them and they're free to ignore us.

Unknown said...

Wow. I just tried it (refreshing Palin's Facebook page) and it is amazing. That moderator has a full time job. Negative comments are pulled down within 30-45 seconds tonight.

Courtney said...

The point isn't whether or not she is directly responsible for this shooting; by encouraging and fostering a culture where the right treats violence as an acceptable means to their end, she and every other person who pushes for this without regard for the consequences are equally responsible.

clara said...

All I get from all this is that this country is really scary. Guns, political extremism in regular people, kids being taught violence.... There is a kind of brain-washing that is particularly powerful in America, and as much as the country is an enemy of "Terrorism", it should also look inwards to its own dangers.
All of America rallied before 9/11 (and maybe started too many wars, but that is another story), but now there is a horrible killing and it's all about avoiding responibility, cleaning up images, instead of finding out what was wrong, accepting mistakes and making things better? People, wake up! Visit other countries learn about other cultures, make friends with people UNLIKE YOU for a change. For such a huge country there is a terrifying lack of tolerance.

m Andrea said...

It's the "leftists" (translation: people with souls, it seems) who are asking for the violent rhetoric to be stopped.

Such a great point, thank you. And it is the repug thugs who are defending their right to encourage an environment of hostility. Those two points keep getting lost in all the reframing.

Independent in Arizona said...

Thank you for documenting this behavior. Those that support Palin, need to start explaining how they can support this.

clara said...

By the way, Obama London, whatever people's opinion about this is, this is a very interesting and necessary post and I hope people can make discussion healthy, instead of violent, and start there.

craig said...

Evil. How do these people sleep at night?

Lisa G. said...

She has blood on her hands and she knows it; otherwise why scrub the target symbols off her web site?

Joe said...

Unfortunately Obama London has forgotten that rules are not applied consistently across the political spectrum. Please refer to this wonderful analysis of this phenomenon:

Although the post is two years old, the same idea can be extrapolated to the current US landscape.

Anonymous said...

Just because he registers Democrat doesn't mean he wasn't influenced by Sarah Palin's target map or her other "don't retreat, reload" rhetoric! He could have done it for access, as part of his pre-meditation.

Anonymous said...

Loughner is not a registered Democrat. He is registered as an independent.


"Loughner registered to vote for the first time in 2006, said Chris Roads, Pima County's registrar of voters. He registered as an independent and last voted in the 2008 general election."

M. said...

Uh, Rick, that comment that you've been talking about, you have read it, right?

"It's ok. Christina Taylor Green was probably going to end up a left wing bleeding heart liberal anyway. Hey, as 'they' say, what would you do if you had the chance to kill Hitler as a kid? Exactly."

I'm a brit, and one who doesn't follow the news, but I didn't have to know who Christina Taylor Green was to read that comment as offensive. It's a comment that's clearly talking about it being okay to murder an innocent child, on the assumption that 'left wing bleeding heart liberals' automatically grow up to be hitler. Seriously? You have to know who the victim is to find child murder offensive?

If you want to claim moral superiority, I'd suggest that supporting rhetoric about killing kids isn't a good way to start, whether you know their names or not.

Anonymous said...

I am disgusted by the poster who said that the Left views this horrific incident with glee. You are again listening to cheap and clear propaganda that says that your opposite party is evil. When will you wake up and realize that you are being used.

Anonymous said...

Did you ever consider that the shooter was a left wing extremist that was influenced by a left wing site called "daily kos"?

Maybe this will make you see the light:

Who to primary? Well, I'd argue that we can narrow the target list by looking at those Democrats who sold out the Constitution last week. I've bolded members of the Blue Dogs for added emphasis.

Ackerman, Gary (NY-05)
Altmire, Jason (PA-04)
Arcuri, Mike (NY-24)
Baca, Joe (CA-43)
Baird, Brian (WA-03)
Barrow, John (GA-12)
Bean, Melissa (IL-08)
Berkley, Shelley (NV-01)
Berman, Howard (CA-28)
Berry, Marion (AR-01)
Bishop, Sanford (GA-02)
Bishop, Timothy (NY-01)
Boren, Dan (OK-02)
Boswell, Leonard (IA-03)
Boucher, Rick (VA-09)
Boyd, Allen (FL-02)
Boyda, Nancy (KS-02)
Brown, Corrine (FL-03)
Butterfield, G.K. (NC-01)
Cardoza, Dennis (CA-18)
Carney, Chris (PA-10)
Castor, Kathy (FL-11)
Cazayoux, Don (LA-06)
Chandler, Ben (KY-06)
Childers, Travis (MS-01)
Cleaver, Emanuel (MO-05)
Clyburn, James (SC-06)
Cooper, Jim (TN-05)
Costa, Jim (CA-20)
Cramer, Bud (AL-05)
Crowley, Joe (NY-07)
Cuellar, Henry (TX-28)
Davis, Artur (AL-07)
Davis, Lincoln (TN-04)
Dicks, Norman (WA-06)

Donnelly, Joe (IN-02)
Edwards, Chet (TX-17)
Ellsworth, Brad (IN-08)
Emanuel, Rahm (IL-05)
Engel, Elliot (NY-17)
Etheridge, Bob (NC-02)
Giffords, Gabrielle (AZ-08)

blackbelt_jones said...

Rick Provost wrote:

So your assumption is that the moderator understood that Christina Taylor Green was the 9-year-old girl who was shot and killed... but deliberately continued to let that disgusting comment remain while "efficiently" removing negative comments about Palin (many of which were far more vitriolic than your examples would suggest).


It apparently wouldn't occur to you to give them the benefit of doubt. Why? Maybe because that might complicate the desired impression that "those people" are just morally inferior.

Rick certainly has a point. For all the moderator knew, the poster could be celebrating the murder of a potentially liberal adult, not an innocent child. Now don't you feel foolish?

georgiakg said...

you like in the UK. why are you even the slightest bit involved with politics in the United States? THAT is just foolish. if you're going to put this much time and effort into politics, be concerned with your own country!

Anonymous said...

I didn't know that some of the comments that weren't supportive of her were being deleted. I left a comment criticizing her actions, but I assume that it has been deleted with the others.

It's funny how she claims to be "sorry" and that her thoughts go out to the victims of the shooting, yet she doesn't remove the comment about the 9 year old being killed. Stay classy, Palin.

Anonymous said...

This comment was lost, but I urge all, to read this letter, (at the link and posted above), it will shed some light on the current spin. I hope we can learn from history also as a commenter on Jezebel said of Palin "The shooting may not be your fault, but it's 100% percent your fault that you're being associated with it."
However, she's just a useful ijit, and was not the only pol. using this rhetoric during 2010.

Read more:

The Letter:

Tyler, Texas

November 24, 1963

President Lyndon B Johnson

The White House

Washington D.C.

Dear Mr. President:

In this time of mourning and appreciating how very busy you are, I still must write about existing conditions here in East Texas, even if you are too busy to read this, because I feel it is my duty to do so. I wanted to write President Kennedy's staff and try to get them to persuade him not to go to Dallas but unfortunately didn't do it for fear of being that crank or busy–body. This time I will risk that appellation. I am frightened at conditions that prevail in East Texas.

Read more:

Josh Lobster said...

Great read. Thanks.

georgiakg said...

you like in the UK. why are you even the slightest bit involved with politics in the United States? THAT is just foolish. if you're going to put this much time and effort into politics, be concerned with your own country!

Anonymous said...

I have been watching the exact same thing for a while now. Please check out and join my fb page to see more. Search for "Things you can't say on Sarah Palin's page."
Dave Grimmer

Anonymous said...

Palin's FB is not the only site, deleting/not posting critical comments. Many media websites (cough NPR WSJ) are doing the same. The Brit press, spin this tragedy/assignation as Americans in shock, but most are saddened, but sadly not shocked.
-fluff Ohio

georgiakg said...

you live* in the UK. why are you even the slightest bit involved with politics in the United States? THAT is just foolish. if you're going to put this much time and effort into politics, be concerned with your own country!

frank1569 said...

A little perspective?

George Bush lied thousands of times to illegally invade 2 countries, he killed and maimed millions, he bragged - bragged! - about torturing humans in Gitmo, and 50+ million Americans supported him all the way. Then he got $7 million for a book he didn't write, and now 'earns' up to $750,000 per 'speaking' engagement.

Compared to that, Sarah Palin isn't even a piker...

Socratic Method Man said...

Well, you know, aside from the fact that the poster said "Hey, as 'they' say, what would you do if you had the chance to kill Hitler as a kid?" which kind of negates all of your tedious handwaving and justification.

When someone jokes about killing a kid and the context is an event where a child was shot, you'd actually have to make an effort to argue that they could have been talking about, well, anyone, really, I mean who's to say, maybe they meant a dog who was walking by I mean ITS JUST MY OPINION, MAN - and you'd probably have to be a Sarah Palin supporter to miss the implied connection.

Anonymous said...

Let's find out how many "report this page" complaints it takes to get a page removed from Facebook! In light of the shootings, please visit the Ho from Wasilla's Facebook page, scroll down to report the page and select "hate speech" targeting an "orientation" (in this case, Democratic politicians). Repost this as your status to stand up against hate speech and encourage your friends to do the same. Thank you, please drive through!

Anonymous said...

As an American, I am greatly saddened by this tragedy - but even more saddened that the rhetoric has (so far) not even mentioned the fact that perhaps if we (America) had better health care available for all - and in particular mental health care( which seems to be the hardest kind to get these days) - then perhaps that could have gone a long ways towards preventing this kind of thing - and perhaps in this case (dare I say it) even more effective than 'gun control'.

Anonymous said...

"cookiecrumb"..."Thank you for chronicling this. Now, how can we use it?" says it all. Sarah Palin could have used better judgment than placing cross-hairs on a political map, but the truth is things like this go on all the time in political backrooms--DEMOCRATS as well as Republicans, and I know because I've been there. This endless "stalking" of Palin, her family, her PDA, her bank accounts, and every breath she takes anywhere on the planet by people like you is a disgrace. If you have so little to do, volunteer your time instead working in a soup kitchen or a community help center, or maybe (God forbid for ultra-liberal Christian-haters) at a church, and make the world a better place. Truth is, given all of the horrifying things people like you have said about her and anyone she ever cared about over the past several years, I wouldn't blame Palin one bit if she put cross-hairs targets on maps corresponding to every last one of you and blew you away. [Oh, wait, gosh, did I just incite Sarah Palin to blow you away?]

Tom Braam said...

America doesn't need to respond to your vulgarity Mr.Fuck You,we are a classy nation.Sarah Palin isn't the devil,she is just another human being with flaws and cat claws,but we will get through this,like we always do.

Anonymous said...

I "liked" her Facebook page on the day of the shootings, so I could comment on her "target" page. My comment while critical, was civil, and was nevertheless deleted in less than a minute.
As if that weren't bad enough, I was blocked from making any further comments. I guess I've been "unfriended" by Sarah Palin.
Her loss.

Greg Sousa

anonymous, why not (mary) said...

To the last "Anonymous" that commented on "cookiecrumb". Making jokes about murder and bullseyes now? And you criticize liberals and label them Christian-haters but call yourself religious maybe? Wow, the levels of indecency and ignorance.

An annoyed moderate republican said...

"WTF does Sarah Palin have to do with a registered Democrat killing another democrat? If you have looked into anything about this kid you would find he wouldn't align himself with teabaggers. A lot of finger pointing going on!Its pathetic that you people are exploiting this situation."

I agree with this completely. Of course the comment about Christina was terrible, but seriously, get a life and stop trying to make Sarah Palin a scapegoat. Yes, she is a crazy right wing nutjob with little intelligence and no political skills but she had nothing to do with this, and also she does not represent the majority of the republican party or even the tea partiers. She is just a crazy lady from Alaska, who should not be taken seriously.

JanWhitebear said...

I'm in the U.S. and am rather surprised that the Palin creature's inciting of crowds to violence hasn't led to something like this sooner.

Back when the campaigns were going on, I remember one instance where she got the crowds so riled up, they were yelling and chanting "KILL HIM! KILL HIM!" aimed at Obama! I knew then, that this was one dangerous, trouble making woman. Finally, it was getting so bad that McCain actually stepped forward to try to calm this crowd down.

All Palin the Pain did was stand there with her stupid grin on her face. Someone recently likened her at that campaign rally to a nazi at a youth for hitler rally. SICKENING!

Anonymous said...

and yet her sniper bullseyes targeting Giffords and other Democrats are STILL POSTED on her facebook notes

Anonymous said...

The image on Sarah Palin's scrubbed (but very cached) webpage is a gun sight.

Sister Wolf said...

This makes me physically sick. I have left comments on my blog that were not only hateful but even obscene.

That bitch is a coward on top of everything else. Terrible. What an awful creature.

Unknown said...

This response - by the usual anonymous hater too loyal, too full of him or herself, more pious than faithful -

"Anonymous said...
"cookiecrumb"..."Thank you for chronicling this. Now, how can we use it?" says it all. Sarah Palin could have used better judgment than placing cross-hairs on a political map, but the truth is things like this go on all the time in political backrooms--DEMOCRATS as well as Republicans, and I know because I've been there. This endless "stalking" of Palin, her family, her PDA, her bank accounts, and every breath she takes anywhere on the planet by people like you is a disgrace. If you have so little to do, volunteer your time instead working in a soup kitchen or a community help center, or maybe (God forbid for ultra-liberal Christian-haters) at a church, and make the world a better place. Truth is, given all of the horrifying things people like you have said about her and anyone she ever cared about over the past several years, I wouldn't blame Palin one bit if she put cross-hairs targets on maps corresponding to every last one of you and blew you away. [Oh, wait, gosh, did I just incite Sarah Palin to blow you away?]
10 January 2011 04:47"

- perfectly illustrates the point of this post.

Palin seeks political power. She seeks fame and wealth. She has aligned herself with villains for this cause. She has become a villain in her turn. A flawed human being, most definitely. We don't need to exaggerate any further. She is not the one who pulled the trigger, but it is people like her who incite others to righteousness, for no other reason than it brings them greater influence and power. It is thoughtless, it is unkind. When you seek to influence others, when you acquire the ability to do so, you must do so with great care - or become what we all fear.

She deserves every bit of criticism she gets - as should anyone in public life, seeking power. Without this criticism, without this vigilance, the fears Palin and her like exploit would be made manifest everywhere. As it stands, the fact that there are those who stand up for the end of everyone's right to criticize, to not be censored (save themselves, of course), speaks louder than the human voice can scream.

There may be no telling if Palin's FB post influenced this very troubled young man to do what he did - but the fact that there is so much editing going on proves that they are concerned that it might have - and that implies a sense of guilt, doesn't it?

If Palin is so proud of her posts, has any integrity, stands by what she says and does, she would never have taken down the original image and she would let all the comments stand and respond to them herself - which she has yet to do.

She's hiding and that's the sure sign of a coward - one who has all the moxy of an anonymous poster to say whatever she likes when she thinks she can get away with it, when things are in her favor, but disappears at the first sign of trouble.

With her 'reality' series now cancelled, I hope this is the beginning of the end of the public life and infamy of Sarah Palin. We don't need anymore like her.

Anonymous said...

This shooting is a tragedy of the worst kind - the blame lands on everyone but the person responsible. The press reports he was at Giffords events in 2007 - long before Palin showed up on the scene. I grew up in the 60's and 70's when anti-war and anti-government was the norm and American turned against American. Both political parties need to work together and work for America... and all should ask why the shooter - identified as disturbed years ago was not treated.

Don't allow our Country to use this tragedy to trample on free speech and press. Never let Freedom be stamped out by the act(s) of a few.

Unknown said...

This response - by the usual anonymous hater too loyal, too full of him or herself, more pious than faithful -

"Anonymous said...
"cookiecrumb"..."Thank you for chronicling this. Now, how can we use it?" says it all. Sarah Palin could have used better judgment than placing cross-hairs on a political map, but the truth is things like this go on all the time in political backrooms--DEMOCRATS as well as Republicans, and I know because I've been there. This endless "stalking" of Palin, her family, her PDA, her bank accounts, and every breath she takes anywhere on the planet by people like you is a disgrace. If you have so little to do, volunteer your time instead working in a soup kitchen or a community help center, or maybe (God forbid for ultra-liberal Christian-haters) at a church, and make the world a better place. Truth is, given all of the horrifying things people like you have said about her and anyone she ever cared about over the past several years, I wouldn't blame Palin one bit if she put cross-hairs targets on maps corresponding to every last one of you and blew you away. [Oh, wait, gosh, did I just incite Sarah Palin to blow you away?]
10 January 2011 04:47"

- perfectly illustrates the point of this post.

Palin seeks political power. She seeks fame and wealth. She has aligned herself with villains for this cause. She has become a villain in her turn. A flawed human being, most definitely. We don't need to exaggerate any further. She is not the one who pulled the trigger, but it is people like her who incite others to righteousness, for no other reason than it brings them greater influence and power. It is thoughtless, it is unkind. When you seek to influence others, when you acquire the ability to do so, you must do so with great care - or become what we all fear.

She deserves every bit of criticism she gets - as should anyone in public life, seeking power. Without this criticism, without this vigilance, the fears Palin and her like exploit would be made manifest everywhere. As it stands, the fact that there are those who stand up for the end of everyone's right to criticize, to not be censored (save themselves, of course), speaks louder than the human voice can scream.

There may be no telling if Palin's FB post influenced this very troubled young man to do what he did - but the fact that there is so much editing going on proves that they are concerned that it might have - and that implies a sense of guilt, doesn't it?

If Palin is so proud of her posts, has any integrity, stands by what she says and does, she would never have taken down the original image and she would let all the comments stand and respond to them herself - which she has yet to do.

She's hiding and that's the sure sign of a coward - one who has all the moxy of an anonymous poster to say whatever she likes when she thinks she can get away with it, when things are in her favor, but disappears at the first sign of trouble.

With her 'reality' series now cancelled, I hope this is the beginning of the end of the public life and infamy of Sarah Palin. We don't need anymore like her.

s in cali said...

Christina Green was born on September 11, 2001.

She was one of the 50 “Faces of Hope” representing children from 50 states who were born on 9/11. Their images were printed in a book, with some of the proceeds going to a Sept. 11 charity.

Christina had just been elected class president in her 4th grade class and was interested in politics, so she went to the public event with a neighbor who thought she might be interested in meeting a woman who had been elected to public office.

My blood is boiling.

My God, I hate Sarah Palin.

Anonymous said...

Rick Provost said...
So your assumption is that the moderator understood that Christina Taylor Green was the 9-year-old girl who was shot and killed... but deliberately continued to let that disgusting comment remain while "efficiently" removing negative comments about Palin (many of which were far more vitriolic than your examples would suggest).


It apparently wouldn't occur to you to give them the benefit of doubt. Why? Maybe because that might complicate the desired impression that "those people" are just morally inferior.
9 January 2011 23:36

You may have a point but if they dont know who she is it shows how little they follow their own news and politics....scary stuff for a presidential candidate...the same one who thought a Montreal disc jockey was the President of france. I laugh because most of you couldn't find Montreal on a map lol

Unknown said...

This response - by the usual anonymous hater too loyal, too full of him or herself, more pious than faithful -

"Anonymous said...
"cookiecrumb"..."Thank you for chronicling this. Now, how can we use it?" says it all. Sarah Palin could have used better judgment than placing cross-hairs on a political map, but the truth is things like this go on all the time in political backrooms--DEMOCRATS as well as Republicans, and I know because I've been there. This endless "stalking" of Palin, her family, her PDA, her bank accounts, and every breath she takes anywhere on the planet by people like you is a disgrace..."

- perfectly illustrates the point of this post.

Palin seeks political power. She seeks fame and wealth. She has aligned herself with villains for this cause. She has become a villain in her turn. We don't need to exaggerate any further. She is not the one who pulled the trigger, but it is people like her who incite others to righteousness, for no other reason than it brings them greater influence and power. It is thoughtless, it is unkind. When you seek to influence others, when you acquire the ability to do so, you must do so with great care - or become what we all fear.

She deserves every bit of criticism she gets - as should anyone in public life, seeking power. Without this criticism, without this vigilance, the fears Palin and her like exploit would be made manifest everywhere. As it stands, the fact that there are those who stand up for the end of everyone's right to criticize, to not be censored (save themselves, of course), speaks louder than the human voice can scream.

There may be no telling if Palin's FB post influenced this very troubled young man to do what he did - but the fact that there is so much editing going on proves that they are concerned that it might have - and that implies a sense of guilt, doesn't it?

If Palin is so proud of her posts, has any integrity, stands by what she says and does, she would never have taken down the original image and she would let all the comments stand and respond to them herself - which she has yet to do.

She's hiding and that's the sure sign of a coward - one who has all the moxy of an anonymous poster to say whatever she likes when she thinks she can get away with it, when things are in her favor, but disappears at the first sign of trouble.

With her 'reality' series now cancelled, I hope this is the beginning of the end of the public life and infamy of Sarah Palin. We don't need anymore like her.

magix said...

Thank you for taking the time to track this and post about it.

Anonymous said...

"georgiakg said...

you live* in the UK. why are you even the slightest bit involved with politics in the United States? THAT is just foolish. if you're going to put this much time and effort into politics, be concerned with your own country!"

Obama London is concerned about US politics because our country wields much influence throughout the world. Our politics & policies DO affect those who live in the UK and other countries. The world-wide economic meltdown is a great example of how the US and the actions of it's people, politicians and corporations can truly fuck up the world economy. So it's no wonder that those in other countries fear what choices we will make during our elections.

As one poster said, I am frightened of someone like Sarah Palin having the power of the presidency with access to the nuclear launch codes.

Yes I'd like to see a woman President, but Sarah Palin would be a horrific choice.

As to comments that we are a nation of stupid people - this may be true. A film called "Idiocracy" has the premise that stupid people are having more children than intelligent people and 500 years into the future we will be a nation of truly stupid inhabitants. I fear we may closer to that scenario based on the comments I've seen with more frequency in the past few years from both the liberal and conservative camps and that includes the media.

People no longer get the facts and then make an informed decision as to whether they agree or disagree with the information. They now get the "opinion" of the news outlet that best caters to their own point of view. And worse, they let the media (and people in the public eye like Sarah Palin) dictate to them what they should think because they are too lazy to check the facts for themselves.

I don't know how many times I've heard some of my conservative co-workers say to me, "Rush Limbaugh said it on his radio show so it must be true."

(BTW I am not a liberal - I am a moderate & independent thinker who prefers to seek facts and make my decisions from there.)

The fact here is that Sarah Palin uses violent commentary and imagery to make her points. I also hope this gives her pause as to how she expresses herself in the future.

Personally I'd like to see her go away but she's tasted fame so I doubt she'll go quietly nor gracefully.


Jeff Kroeger said...

That comment is so honestly makes me nauseous. That person's parents seriously failed.

Anonymous said...

@Mr. Provost.

"...Hey, as 'they' say, what would you do if you had the chance to kill Hitler as a kid? Exactly."

Are you defending that Palin's supporters and yourself have poor reading comprehension? Then I give that to you.

Anonymous said...

I noticed someone on here saying Americans "deserve Sarah Palin" and to "drown in their own shit and bile." I am an American who hates Sarah Palin and her ilk more than you probably do, and so do all intelligent Americans who do exist. People like her make a big noise and get a lot of attention-- she has low poll numbers as far as getting elected president. She is a menace and I really just hate her, so go a bit easier on America-- we aren't all that stupid and clueless. I am totally disgusted with her.

Unknown said...

this was a great post. I too gasped when I read the disgusting comment about the little girl.


Kristen Annastasia said...

Thank you sooo much for 3 things:

1)your determined commitment to watch and track and report this.

2)for documenting it with screenshots and timetables, and

3)for showing us " liberals" for what we are... curious, thoughtful, AND HOPING BEYOND ALL HOPE and total lack of evidence THAT THE RIGHT WILL DO THE CORRECT THING with some civility.

Dear Conservative Right:
We don't hold our views first, then seek to support them, we COME TO THEM, slowly, and painfully, as the truth is unveiled.

Anonymous said...

This event is a flash-point in history. Upon reflection I believe that the sept. 11th attacks where a catalytic event for American racism; it made it permissible to express intolerant views against Arabs and Muslims. Since then with the election of a Black President and the winding down of the two wars the American racism has not gone away but been redirected back towards local minorities of Blacks and Mexican immigrants. The rhetoric now being used by Tea-partiers (regardless of their involvement in this affair) is bordering on hate speech and reminds me of pre-WWII Germany. Indeed, I believe America is slowly becoming what it fought so hard to eradicate in WWII. Unfortunately the buzz words of (communism, Fascism, third Reich, Nazi, etc. etc.) are so over-used in their own propaganda that they have become almost meaningless.

They came first for the Communists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for me
and by that time no one was left to speak up.

It's time for everybody to stop blindly trusting the information they read on the internet and see on TV. Do your own fact checking people! Think critically about what you read!

For example, I saw about somebody said that this guy was a Registered Democrat and therefore he was completely unrelated to the tea party. Thinking critically I can make the following points:
-1st is this information true? How do I know it is from a credible source? What is that source?
-2nd couldn't this man having planned to commit murder for political reasons decide to register for the political party he disagrees with so much? Being registered one way or another doesn't determine how you are or have voted in the past. All ballots are cast anonymously. The political parties offer optional registration to help them figure out where they are strongest and weakest.

And when something like this happens don't bitch about it on a forum! Write letters to your elected officials, organize a protest, make your voice heard! Be mad as hell and don't shut up! It's working for them and they are wrong and ignorant! Laughably so in most cases. The result of having to pay for a post secondary education.

Justin said...

Thank you for tracking this. Unbelievable...well, maybe not since we are talking about Palin.

Anonymous said...

This event is a flash-point in history. Upon reflection I believe that the sept. 11th attacks where a catalytic event for American racism; it made it permissible to express intolerant views against Arabs and Muslims. Since then with the election of a Black President and the winding down of the two wars the American racism has not gone away but been redirected back towards local minorities of Blacks and Mexican immigrants. The rhetoric now being used by Tea-partiers (regardless of their involvement in this affair) is bordering on hate speech and reminds me of pre-WWII Germany. Indeed, I believe America is slowly becoming what it fought so hard to eradicate in WWII. Unfortunately the buzz words of (communism, Fascism, third Reich, Nazi, etc. etc.) are so over-used in their own propaganda that they have become almost meaningless.

They came first for the Communists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for me
and by that time no one was left to speak up.

Anonymous said...

It's time for everybody to stop blindly trusting the information they read on the internet and see on TV. Do your own fact checking people! Think critically about what you read!

For example, I saw about somebody said that this guy was a Registered Democrat and therefore he was completely unrelated to the tea party. Thinking critically I can make the following points:
-1st is this information true? How do I know it is from a credible source? What is that source?
-2nd couldn't this man having planned to commit murder for political reasons decide to register for the political party he disagrees with so much? Being registered one way or another doesn't determine how you are or have voted in the past. All ballots are cast anonymously. The political parties offer optional registration to help them figure out where they are strongest and weakest.

And when something like this happens don't bitch about it on a forum! Write letters to your elected officials, organize a protest, make your voice heard! Be mad as hell and don't shut up! It's working for them and they are wrong and ignorant! Laughably so in most cases. The result of having to pay for a post secondary education.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I wish I had a lot of time to stalk this Sarah Palin's facebook like you did. You might not want to admit it, but I think you're over-the-top obsessed.

Anonymous said...

Could some of you Palin Supporters please author a web page refuting the accusations made at the following link?

Please post the link to your refutations here when you're done. Thanks!

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