Monday 20 December 2010

I Love US Voters. But I Don't Understand Them...

It's the job of political activists and politicians themselves to try and understand the point of view of their constituents to that they can either persuade or represent as needed. But what are you supposed to do with a voting population that, within a few weeks of giving the President's party the biggest Congressional defeat in a hundred years, still tell pollsters that they basically don't trust the guys who they just voted in one little bit, and think the President will stand up a lot better for their values.

Obama's position against the Republicans in Congress is much stronger than that of his predecessors. The following polls were all taken in the December after the president's first major midterm defeat. So for Bill Clinton, the poll results are from December 1994, and for George W. Bush, they're from December 2006. In both cases, the public trusted the congressional opposition more than the president. Not so today
I mean, I agree with the assessment of the people. But I just can't reconcile it with their vote. Hmmmm...


Ignia said...

From a personal observer in America:

Alot of people voted republican because Fox News managed to make their entire base scared of democrats.

It became a choice of, "I don't trust you, but at least I don't fear you."

Sad, eh?

Eva Quinby said...

Even more so than GW being elected not once but twice, right now I'm sure the rest of the world is just shaking their heads in dismay.

I don't get it either.

Obama London said...

Hi Eva, not to be pedantic, but I'm not sure I count George W as being elected twice. What with not winning either the popular vote or Florida according to most credible counts post-election. But I think I sound a little bitter when I say that so... never mind. Water under the bride and all that...

Eva Quinby said...

Hey Obama London,

"...not to be pedantic, but I'm not sure I count George W as being elected twice. What with not winning either the popular vote or Florida according to most credible counts post-election."

I was being generous ...